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Which foods to eat and which not to eat if you have kidney stones?



Which foods to eat and which not to eat if you have kidney stones?

Which foods to eat and which not to eat if you have kidney stones?

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that can cause a lot of pain when they move through the urinary tract. Making the right dietary choices is key to managing and preventing kidney stones. Here’s a simple guide on foods to eat and avoid for kidney stones.

Foods to Eat

  1. Stay Hydrated
    Drink plenty of water—about 8 to 10 glasses a day—to help flush out your kidneys. Adding lemon to your water can also help because it contains citrate, which prevents stones from forming.
  2. Fruits and Vegetables
    Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially those high in fiber and vitamins. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are particularly helpful.
  3. Low-Oxalate Foods
    Choose foods low in oxalates like bananas, broccoli, and cabbage. Oxalates can form stones, so limiting them is helpful.
  4. Calcium-Rich Foods
    Include calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt in your diet. Calcium binds with oxalates in the gut, preventing them from forming stones in the kidneys.
  5. Whole Grains and Legumes
    Whole grains like brown rice and legumes such as lentils and chickpeas are good for kidney health because they provide magnesium, which helps reduce stone formation.

Foods to Avoid

  1. High-Oxalate Foods
    Avoid foods with high oxalate levels such as spinach, beets, nuts, and chocolate. These can increase the risk of stone formation.
  2. Excessive Salt
    Cut down on salt. Too much salt can increase calcium in the urine, leading to more stone formation. Use herbs and spices for flavor instead.
  3. Animal Proteins
    Limit animal proteins like red meat, poultry, and eggs. These can increase uric acid levels in the body, which can cause stones. Try plant-based proteins instead, such as tofu.
  4. Sugary Drinks and Alcohol
    Avoid sugary drinks and limit alcohol. Both can lead to dehydration, making stones more likely to form.
  5. Caffeinated Beverages
    Limit caffeine intake as it can cause more calcium to be excreted in the urine, increasing the risk of stone formation. Try herbal teas or decaf options.

Expert Care with Dr. Abhirudra Mulay at Mulay Hospital

If you’re dealing with kidney stones, getting help from a specialist is essential. Dr. Abhirudra Mulay, a respected urologist at Mulay Hospital, offers expert kidney stone treatment in Hadapsar. Dr. Mulay uses the latest techniques to provide personalized care for his patients.

Mulay Hospital is known for its comprehensive urological services, making sure patients get the best possible care. For those looking for a urologist in Hadapsar, Mulay Hospital is a great choice.

Choosing the right foods to eat and avoid for kidney stones is a necessary part of managing this condition. By following these simple dietary guidelines and consulting experts like Dr. Abhirudra Mulay, you can take charge of your kidney health. Remember, staying hydrated and eating the right foods can make a big difference in preventing and managing kidney stones.